How does the shadow manifest?
What you deny about yourself will erupt into your interactions and/or get projected onto others.
The Hopper Guy believes that concepts of Carl Jung, such as archetypes, the shadow, and projection can help people better understand themselves and their world. Click the blue headline to see the whole post.
What you deny about yourself will erupt into your interactions and/or get projected onto others.
By relating archetypes to common stories, images, and religions, Campbell brought Jung's ideas to a broader audience.
His insistence on the rock bottom truth of psychic elements as symptoms trying to indicate something needing healing in the personal and world soul led to a break with many traditional therapists.
I recently read an article about the latest evidence supporting panpsychism, the theory that the entire world is conscious. The findings were from a study of dissociative (multiple) personalities. I…
What you deny in yourself, you will live out because you are not on guard against it.
systems of readiness for action, and at the same time images and emotions
The Puer aeternus or “eternal boy,” is also called the flying boy and tries to “fly away” (escape) adult-life entanglements. They can help you move on…but probably won’t be there for that next stage.